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2013 - London Dungeon zieht um in die County Hall - UK

Mario M.

CF Team News
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Es ist zwar noch nicht sicher, aber Merlin hat jetzt einen Bauantrag eingereicht um die Dungeons in der Nähe des London Eyes (sowie des Sea Life Aquariums) zu errichten. Bei einer Genehmigung würde wohl eine komplett neue Attraktion entstehen (in der County Hall). Ob das andere Dungeon dann geschlossen wird oder ob man nur einen 2. Standort plant steht nirgends, aber ich gehe stark davon aus, dass das alte Dungeon dann weichen muss:)

Baupläne gibt es hier:

12/00297/LB | Change of use of part of County Hall to Class D2 (Assembly and Leisure) and the creation of a bridge link and other minor external works. Alterations and refurbishment of part of County Hall including: external works comprising the repl

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Mario M.

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London Dungeon to quit Tooley Street for County Hall by Christmas

A proposal to relocate the London Dungeon to the former home of London government at County Hall on the South Bank has been approved by Lambeth Council's planning applications committee.

The grisly attraction, which has been located beneath London Bridge Station since the 1970s, will leave Southwark in December when work begins in earnest on Network Rail's rebuilding of the transport interchange.
"We have had to come to an agreement with Network Rail that we will vacate that space by the end of the year, hence timing is really quite critical for this project," Merlin Entertainments divisional director David Sharpe told councillors on Tuesday night.
"We very much feel that County Hall gives us the opportunity to bring what is a very busy attraction down to the South Bank."
The London Dungeon hopes to open in January 2013 in the former Greater London Council headquarters which already house the Sea Life London Aquarium and the ticket office for the London Eye which are also part of the Merlin Entertainments Group.
The Dungeon will take over the ground floor formerly occupied by the Dali Universe (which closed in 2010) and empty space in the basement.
At present at least 680,000 a year people visit the London Dungeon at its existing site and often long queues form in Tooley Street and Duke Street Hill to the annoyance of passengers trying to enter and leave the station.
Waterloo Community Development Group has raised concerns about the impact of the extra crowds on the busy section of the Thames Path between the London Eye and Westminster Bridge.
"We have no concerns about the change of use of the building and the introduction of the London Dungeon to County Hall," WCDG director Michael Ball told the committee.
"Its use as the home of the London Dungeon will firm up its identity as a home to cultural and visitor attractions.
"Our concern is about the impact on the Queen's Walk of the management of visitors queuing to enter the attraction.
"The Queen's Walk at this point is extraordinarily busy and it can be difficult for able-bodied adults to move through at the busiest times.
"This is primarily the result of the impact of the Eye which has 10,000 visitors a day and is the most successful paid-for visitor attraction in the country."
Mr Ball argued that the Dungeon ought to provide more space for queuing inside County Hall to alleviate the pressure on the riverside walk where the attraction's own projections show that more than 300 people could be queuing on the busiest days.
WCDG argues that, following the precedent set by the London Eye which provides several hundred thousand pounds a year towards the cost of managing and maintaining the Queen's Walk, the London Dungeon should be subject to a similar revenue funding agreement to help address the issues caused by the large crowds which are inevitably drawn to high-profile attractions.
Merlin's David Sharpe explained that the proposed design of the new South Bank Dungeon meant that queues would be less likely to form: "The capacity inside the attraction is far more than we have at Tooley Street by about 200 people," he said.
"So on the majority of days I very much doubt that you will see a queue outside.
"Obviously the queue is good for business – we know that – but I think we would manage it very well."
After discussion and advice from officers the application was agreed without adopting the revenue solution.
"Lambeth has thrown away millions of pounds through a decision based on complete ignorance of what has been going on, on the South Bank, for the last 12 years," said Michael Ball after the meeting.
"They have gone backwards. Lambeth in 2000 was further ahead and more far thinking than they are now."

Der Umzug ist wohl sicher!


Chris B.

CF Team Redaktion
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Schade auf der einen, sinnvoll auf der anderen Seiten. Ich habe die Umgebung der alten Location irgendwie gemocht. Fragt mich nicht warum, es war einfach so. An besucherstarken Tagen, haben die wartenden Leute aber den kompletten Fußweg blockiert, so das es einfach viel zu eng wurde.

Das neue Gebäude hat eigentlich nur Vorteile. Die Touristen tümmeln sich sowieso in diesem Gebiet und es gibt mehr Platz im und vorallem vor dem Gebäude. UND! Es ist halt Merlin, und somit werden die Jahreskarteninhaber noch mehr auf ihre Kosten kommen, und können gleich 3 Attraktionen besuchen, ohne große Strecken zurückzulegen. Wenn das kein weiterer Anreiz ist, sich den Annual Pass zu kaufen.

Mario M.

CF Team News
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Der Umzug ist jetzt sicher!

Laut Medienberichten in England ist das Dungeon bereit für den Umzug! Der alte Standort in der nähe der Tower Bridge wird am 31, Januar schließen, am 1. März soll dann bereits das neue Dungeon in der County Hall direkt neben dem London Eye eröffnen!

Teile der alten "Show" sollen übernommen werden, es soll aber auch ein paar Erweiterungen/Neuerungen geben.

Mehr dazu hier:

New haunt in store as London Dungeon moves to South Bank's County Hall - Arts - London Evening Standard

Mario M.

CF Team News
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Fastpass Besitzer
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Das alte Dungeon war sehr bekannt, bei Touristen sehr beliebt und ist oft an seine Kapazitätsgrenze gestoßen. Ich vermute mal, dass man mit dem Umzug einfach eine Anlage bauen möchte, die mehr Besucher verkraftet.

Ich freu mich drauf!

Mario M.

CF Team News
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Es wird sich einiges verändern (neue Kostüme etc.):

telegraph.co.uk schrieb:
London Dungeon to sell unwanted stock

One of the capital’s most popular tourist attractions is to sell hundreds of its macabre props at a Pimlico car boot sale.

The London Dungeon is moving to a new location within the underground vaults of County Hall, on the Southbank, in March, having occupied its current site on Tooley Street for 38 years.

The new attraction will feature new costumes, theatrical sets and props, meaning all its blood-curdling kit will be up for grabs at the sale on Sunday, February 3.

Items on offer include an “array of torture and surgical equipment”, “severed limbs”, “false eyeballs”, "plague doctor's potions", "Sweeney Todd razors", shackles and chains and blood-stained period costumes. The odd human skeleton and a set of authentic stocks, which have held several famous names – including Jonathan Ross, Christina Aguilera, Michael Douglas and Alice Cooper – will also go on sale.

“When we move, we’re not just changing address, we really are creating something totally new so inevitably we have rather a lot of items from Tooley Street that need re-homing,” said Ben Sweet The London’s Dungeon’s general manager. “Rather than sell them all off to a theatre prop shop or museum we decided to let fans have a chance to own a bit of our horrible history.”
